Saturday, August 6, 2011



While I was in the garden today I was struck by this thought.
While I  weed,  tend the soil and pick from my garden I have more time to really truly say  grace.
Bless us, 
O Lord, 
and these your gifts,
Such simple words that often get rushed  getting the kids to sit when you are hungry tired and it is the end of the day. 

I dug a few potatoes for dinner tonight. 
These are going to taste so  good  with a little butter and parsley!

Basil  Sage Carrots Parsley  Tomatoes  Peppers  Kale 
What a harvest !

Fresh Basil !  
Wish you could smell it .


which we are about to receive 
from your bounty

There is bounty in a  garden
What a gift that is. To much squash, more tomatoes than a ketchup factory!
Food for many.

Off to the local food kitchen the bounty goes.

On the stove is my tomato sauce for  Sunday dinner.

I made a decision...

While I am tending my garden, on my knees already, I will say grace right there in the dirt.


Through Christ our Lord


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Jules! You know what? Who does not see the beauty of a potato, is a potato! - This I learned in school, 55 years ago. From a poem of a norwegian poet. He is still so true! Hugs from Sidsel.
